Instagram and Snapchat, the two social media giants that many hail will be the future of social media marketing. In this article, we will discuss both platforms individually and how can brands leverage these platforms to connect better with their customers.
By the end of 2016, Instagram had 600 million users, with 300 million users actively using Instagram daily. Meanwhile, Snapchat only recorded 150 million active users, who use Snapchat on a daily basis. So, while both Instagram and Snapchat are a hit among users under 35, it is unequivocally clear as to which platform should brands focus more on. However, with the roll out of its new stories feature, Instagram has blatantly copied Snapchat’s features, and with better UI (Snapchat is slightly difficult to use). This feature might significantly tilt the balance towards Instagram due to it’s added benefits over Snapchat.
Lenses & Geofilters
This is where Snapchat totally nails Instagram. Snapchat’s face-altering lenses and location based filters are a key factor which renders a distinctive appeal to Snapchat over all other social media. Not only are these great for interactive marketing, but they also personalize user experience.
In terms of outreach, Instagram slams Snapchat. The number of users on Instagram is huge as compared to Snapchat, including big brands & celebrities.
Yes, Snapchat was the first to introduce their stories feature, but Instagram has made it better. The way stories are shared is better and the user interface is also much simpler.
While Instagram has been a platform that shares more polished pictures, Snapchat takes it to a whole different level. With the release of Spectacles, Snapchat’s prime focus is to capture the moment as it is.
Although there remains no doubt that brands can achieve a handful with filters and personalisation on Snapchat, but doing it on Instagram will ensure a larger audience for your communication content. Using Instagram, your fans find it easier to locate your account. Since Snapchat is limited to mobile app (absence of desktop version), it has a limited audience, making it much harder to find brands and follow them in the app.
Now back to the primary question, which platform should your brand embrace for quality communication? But as social media marketing is, every communication on social media should be done keeping in mind your unique audience. In other words, market your brand where your audience is. But, with the update of Stories – and now live-streaming as well – Instagram may have overlapped Snapchat by doing two things in one place.