Leads now are an easy catch through Facebook Lead-Gen campaigns

With the growth of social networking sites, social media is used by many organizations and individuals to generate leads and to gain business opportunities. Many companies actively participate on social networks including LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to find talent pools or market their new products and services.


Search engines also provide lead generation options. Businesses with a website can appear on a search engine listing for related searches, and visitors can then click a link and be taken to that company’s website.


Since the rise of the Internet, many businesses use their websites as a lead generation option.

Various business companies and industries are using lead ads to find new customers who seem to like more in their products or services.


Facebook rolled out Lead ads to help overcome people’s apprehension to filling out forms.Lead ads on Facebook helps you to collect info from the people who are interested in your product.


Lead ads make the mobile Signup process easier by automatically populating contact information that people have given Facebook, like email addresses.

Instead of sending traffic to a landing page where people manually fill out a form and press submit, then click on the ad, their information (name & email) is pre-populated, and they hit submit. All within the Facebook platform.


Facebook has only released the Lead Generation objective to some advertisers. If you don’t have it yet, don’t fret. You should get it soon


It’s a very exciting revolution for the marketers on the Facebook platform. Although the initial results yielded a high cost per lead than we’re able to generate using website conversion campaigns, Lead generation ads are still a game changer on the Facebook platform.


These ads show a change in the eyes of Facebook.It shows that they’re willing and eager to serve direct response marketers.It shows that they understand that businesses are using Facebook ads to make money to generate leads and sales. After a few further development of this ad type, I have no doubt they will revolutionize the platform.

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