Good news for the Google Analytics users!

In the coming weeks, analytics can research on google using plain sentences. Well, you can anyway thank the Natural Language Processing (NLP)  and Machine learning (ML) technology adopted by Google to dispense such amazing services.


Google says the technology, some of which comes from Android and Search, will help Google Analytics users “better understand and act on [their] analytics data. Google has the ultimate goal of answering the asked questions in the best possible way.


In the digital era, the new functionality, which is dubbed Analytics Intelligence, can revert a number of types of questions, such as those related to basic metrics like traffic and referrals, performance, and trends. Users can add qualifiers like date ranges and ask answers to include percentages.


In addition, Analytics Intelligence is capable of answering questions about user groups. For instance, a retailer could ask questions about conversion rates in specific countries, and an advertiser could ask questions about which paid search keywords to convert best.


This new feature will definitely allow many of the google analytics to research in the best possible way. For those who don’t have much in-depth knowledge of the service to answer questions on their own. Google Analytics is a powerful service but getting the most out of it often requires a level of knowledge and experience many companies don’t have. Thus, many fail to maximize the value of the free service.

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