5 SEO Mistakes To Avoid

SEO is fast emerging as the most persuasive marketing tool in the world. Such has its popularity surged recently, that it is almost impossible for any business to stay on top for long. Search engines have also evolved in such a way with the time that there are a number of SEO mistakes that can adversely affect your website ranking.

Here are 5  SEO Mistakes To Avoid:

Duplicate content

Search engines primarily strive to provide usability and value to their customers. So, how does Google distinguish between hundreds of websites providing the same content?

 Original and valuable content that educates its users are more preferred by search engines over ripped-off content.  
Keep your content genuine and original in order to surge forward in search rankings.

Bad Links

Yes, we are talking about the 404 page not found error. If this is the case with your website, then it is already affecting your rankings and reputation. Therefore, fix your website and do not just remove the bad links. One such simple online tool is Google Webmasters to fix these broken links.

Social Media absence

Brands with impactful social outreach on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Instagram are highly ranked by Google. Additionally, likes, shares and comments also play a vital role in the SEO of your website.

Wrong or excessive keywords

Google ranking is mostly about choosing the right keywords. It is utterly important here to recognize what your customers might be searching online. But, also make sure not to include very specific or long-tail keywords. Do a thorough research for keyword picking before beginning with SEO.

Also, don’t try to incorporate too many keywords (keyword stuffing) in your website. Rather than acting as a catalyst for your SEO, it will end up spamming your website.

 Unresponsive to mobile devices

With the number of mobile searches overtaking desktop searches on Google, it is important that your website offers a fast and user-friendly mobile experience if you want your website to rank higher on Google.

Therefore, ensure a mobile optimized site with fast page-load speed for Google to entertain you.

The term ‘Digital marketing’ today encompasses SEO and its practices. It is also interwoven with many other factors like number of visitors on-page, bounce rate, lead generation, etc. It is hence very important to deter these SEO mistakes so that your website features high on search engines.


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